_ I'm sorry but I don't have time right now, I've to go to work
_Ok, I'm sending you our researches by e-mail
_Hi, did you look at our offers
_Sorry I'm coming back from work, I'll have a look during the week-end
_Hello did you...
_eee, no... we are Saturday and I'm about to go out
_eee, how can I put words... do you have a life?
_ Soon your bank will call you to ask if you classify and tidy your paper
_With this man calling I can't put to tomorrow my research for a health insurance , I have to do it this week-end
With good omens, Neil Geiman was right, those people on the phone have the worst job on earth, they are demons who needs to balance the demonic karma on earth with such job...
Last time I deal with them they deliver my fridge 300miles away from home and 3 months later... a summer without a fridge!