jeudi 30 juin 2011


It has been really hot lately in Paris. To deal with the temperature everybody has his technic.
Me, after a good shower I lie on the fresh floor of my apartment.

When I cannot lie on the floor I put my face on fresh surface.

There is always the good old fashion style, but how can we do when we're at work...

_what are you doing
_ I have to say that lying on the carpet isn't working and I didn't have a basin so I use the bins.

It is when one of my colleague came with a solution

After a good day sweating

and you want to go out stray after work

one solution

a shower?

cupboard freshness for me and my T
the shower and deodorant are now over with fefreze.
"and a t-shirt would never have last fresh that long "

3 commentaires:

  1. ahah j'ai ri. [par contre on peut pas zoomer dans la dernière c'est dommage]
    c'est trop bien en plus, l'été ne sera plus la course aux lessives !

  2. (effectivement il manque le lien sur la dernière image)

    Eh ben, ça doit sentir bon en ce moment dans vos locaux :x

  3. Maiiiiissss heuuuuuu ! C'est Febreez uniquement quand tu peux pas retourner chez toi prendre une douche voyons !

    Raaaah lala ! ^^ on a jamais autant travesti la réalité sur ce blog :o)

    signé : Febrezman
